A Song For First Nations

Quote from Grand Chief, Stan, at 100 Year Commemoration of Treaty #9—“We’re still here.”…”There’s hope for a better tomorrow.”
A Song For First Nations
There’s hope for a better tomorrow
and we’re still standing here!
So many Moons of sorrow,
so many a silent tear,
adult despair and childhood fear,
robbed of all held dear…
(There’s hope for a better tomorrow
and we’re still standing here!)
Separations, strategic divisions,
religious intolerance, racist derisions,
sacred rites and languages forbidden,
knowledge lost or secretly hidden…
(There’s hope for a better tomorrow
and we’re still standing here!)
Promises made then broken,
slow miseries and pain unspoken,
power crushed, honour denied,
anger drugged, spirits tested and tried…
(There’s hope for a better tomorrow
and we’re still standing here!)
Now First Nations will remember
from the glowing of an ember,
Sacred Sunrise, Sacred Fire,
like a phoenix from the fire,
like an eagle rising higher,
like a hawk in soaring flight,
the skydancers of the light
revealing visions, inner sight…
(There’s hope for a better tomorrow
and we’re still standing here!)
Now all Nations will remember
Spirit’s Truth in glowing ember,
abundance flows when greed is gone,
blessing Life in every-one…
The wealth of Earth now held by few
could feed us all with surplus too,
providing all with basic needs,
creating peace through humane deeds…
(There’s hope for a better tomorrow
and we’re still standing here!)
Now all Nations will remember
from the glowing of an ember
that Earth’s challenges are won
through the Unity of One,
through the message “We’re all one!”…
through belief that we’re all one,
sacred heart-fires, inner Sun,
shining Life in every-one…
(There’s hope for a better tomorrow
and we’re still standing here!)
June 23, 2006
(Note: A willing sharing of our planet’s great wealth through a global shift in consciousness is coming. It’s a choice we will make as we become more highly evolved beings remembering that we are all one.)

Hate Is A Mental Illness

Hate is a mental illness
that entertains the mind
with creeping, creaking thoughts
that rob and harm and bind.
Hate steals the Joy from LIfe
and buries Love alive.
It casts Compassion out,
with taunts meant to deride.
Hate fuels the feuds of Ages
that set the World aflame
with jealous Pride and Prejudice
that slander God’s Great Name.
June 13, 2006