I Survived My Education

Like A Phoenix

(‘Robot Food’  my digital music composition)

I survived my Education
of robotic memorization,
robotic memorization…
Memorize. Memorize. Test. Test.
Heads up, stand straight
row on row, row on row.
Heads up, sit straight
row on row, row on row.
Stand up, sit down, sit still.
Stand up, sit down, sit still.
Eyes open, ears open, mouths shut.
Speak on command. Speak on command.
Answer the question. Answer the question.
Read this. Think this. Delete that.
Read this. Think this. Delete that.
Follow instructions. Obey the rules.
Follow instructions. Obey the rules.
Robotic rote, robotic lives,
biological robot lives…
I survived my Education.

Shelley Wilson
December 2, 2012

May your Spirit shine brightly,Shelley