Nature of Earth



Nature of Earth (my digital music composition)

Blessed and beloved Nature

birthed and sustained by

this great and glorious Being

we call our Mother Earth-

we are one with you

and you are one with us.

Our Species, our Humanity,

our growing awareness,

our evolving sentience,

is but part of your Story,

Sacred Nature of Mother Earth.

Your health is our health.

Your well-being is ours.

We are ever and always one.

Our bodies are part of you.

Star-seed and Earth-seed,

we’re all a part of you-

breathing your Air,

drinking your Water,

consuming the food of your Soil.

Our Elements are part of you…

part of all Creatures here,

both great and small.

What conditioned insanities

continually create harm

to our minds and bodies,

our Sacred Nature, Mother Earth?

Help us release our fears

to you, our Beloved Mother Earth.

(Shelley Wilson-March 9, 2015)