Love Applied


Love Applied   (my digital music composition)

Is Race, Religion, or Country your pride

while all others you deride?

Do Cultural Prejudices rule and guide

the Social Laws where you reside?

Do Ancient World Views and Feuds divide

and lead to Human Rights denied?

When will you, you, decide

too many have suffered, too many have died?

When will you, you, provide

your World with hope of Love Applied?

Life creates each and every form

in constant change. You’ll be reborn.

Perhaps into all you now despise.

Perhaps into all you now deride.

Then will you, you, decide

too many have suffered, too many have died?

Then will you, you, provide

your World with hope of Love Applied?

(Shelley Wilson   May 24, 2015)



Ridicule  (my digital music composition)

Ridicule, the Fear of Ridicule…Look how

Ridicule, that Slave Driver of Humanity,

whips and beats us into silent submissions

with merciless cruelties, betrayals, rejections, deceptions…

That sneering Face appears on countless faces,

male and female, in every land throughout the Ages.

Ridicule, that Enemy of higher perceptions,

new understandings, truths to be told,

scorns and mocks with poisoned laughter to uphold

Planetary Powers, Traditions, Structures of Control…

Ridicule, that proud Servant of Human Insanity,

works tirelessly to keep us ever ‘in our place’,

to keep us obedient and fearful and ‘under control’…

“Keep silent ‘or else’!”

“How dare you question!”

“Who do you think you are?!”

Condemnations. Justifications. Ridicule’s lash.

Warnings and Threats. Alienation. Exile. Death.

Yet there are ever those who ‘see beyond’,

who evolve and explore untamed truths that unfold.

Ever those who choose to be free of Fear.

Do you have the courage, brave heart,

to watch Ridicule approach, yet still go on?

(Shelley Wilson   May 23, 2015)