An Alphabet For Indigo Children

I just remembered an alphabet I created some years ago that was buried deep in my posts so I thought I’d do a bit of an archeological dig.


imageAn Alphabet For Indigo Children
A is for awesome. What does awesome look like? Look in a mirror. You are awesome. You are more than what you see. You are a Spirit called Life in a human body. You are part of the Awesome Everything.
B is for being and becoming a creative being who creates and re-creates your life as you grow. Why? Just be-cause.
C is for caring, compassion, and connecting. How do you understand that? Imagine that you are seeing through the eyes and body of those people you have contact with or communicate with. Imagine you are seeing through the eyes of animals, birds, and fish. Imagine you are in plants and trees and rocks. Imagine you are in water, earth, fire, air, and the essence of space beyond this Earth. When you imagine, just let your little…

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Beautiful Angel

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My Mother, Dixie Wilson, vacated her physical body in the early morning today. September 25, 2015. Life never dies, only transforms. She was a Space Trekkie and loved the Star Trek series for all the possibilities it opened up to consider. Now she is on a journey to the Singularity of Oneness in the Spacetime Continuum. Godspeed Mom. Love always.