Mother Earth Knows

Mother Earth Knows

The Shadows are moving across all lands
through the troubled minds of Man.
Energy Vampires stalk the cities.
Ghost Goblins hunt school grounds and woods
seeking the young for their Life-force ‘food’.
People act as if in spell-
hearing screams as if all’s well.
Security slowly smothers Freedoms.
Billions fight for Poverty’s crumbs.
Death and Destruction lust for War.
Intellect kills Conscience and defends
Ego, the I, as it ascends.
Like the ‘Twisted Cross’ before,
the ‘Big Eye’ gains power more and more,
leading us to the Deadliest War.
Dark Forces grow through Fear and Hate
waiting to strike and dominate.
So many Bright Lights go dim- go out.
Even the Faithful begin to doubt
Wisdom and Love will win in the end.
How did this Insanity all begin?
Who set the Agenda? What is their name?
Who plays Life and Death chess games
for their own profit and gain?
The Hollow Ones- that is their name.
They serve the Shadows for wealth and fame
like so many kings of old
who darkened their Souls for love of gold.
Power corrupted feasts on Fear and Blood
where Courage, Integrity, and Honour once stood.
Pray these Lost Ones return to the Light
where all Life is sacred in God’s holy sight.
Pray we break this spell and Goodness grows,
for our World is in danger. Mother Earth knows.

(May 12, 2018- Shelley Wilson)

May your Spirit shine brightly, Shelley