Finding Those Moments

​ Finding Those Moments

There are fleeting, special moments
in the early morning light
just before the coming dawn
when day proceeds from night.
From black, the sky takes on a hue
of rich and transient wonder-
a precious robe of royal blue
with diamond stars still bright.
I’ve had the privilege of this sight
through tall, old trees sky-clad.
My window view allows me
to see this heavenly scene
in such fleeting, special moments
of the early morning light.
When Winter goes and Spring returns
with flowers of many a hue,
I’ll still look out my window
for that sky of royal blue.

December 31, 2021
Shelley Wilson

Paradise Lost

​Paradise Lost

I remember my carefree youth now gone
with those freedoms and beauty replaced.
Our Garden was the special place
our family quietly searched the stars
amid the vast darkness of space.
Our Garden was full of wonders by day,
the beauty of Nature all around,
but at night where we sat or lay
to view the Milky Way full of stars
became our own Sacred Ground.
Then came the man-made satellites,
their passing light a shared thrill
that also filled us with wonder
as we ignored the growing chill
and presentments of things to come.
Over time, our Sacred Place changed-
a space to park trucks and cars.
Our priorities became our technologies,
not the wonders of flowers and stars.
Someone else owns the parking space now.

December 31, 2021
Shelley Wilson

Snowfall- revised

​Snowfall- revised

Walking home alone
on a snowy Winter night,
I am filled with wonder
passing each streetlight.
Here the Snow descends
like fairy-dust sparkles
inspiring sheer delight.
In Snowfall’s quiet sound,
I hear the Snowflakes
softly sing together coming down
to rest upon the ground.
They kiss my hair and cheeks.
I feel Nature’s gentle touch
and peaceful comfort
with magic swirling all around.
The Town has gone to sleep.
There’s no one else to share this
but I don’t feel alone,
for I am kissed by Snowflakes
as I walk in dreamy wonder
to my sleeping family home.

December 2, 2020
revised December 30, 2021
Shelley Wilson

Winter Visitation- revised

​Winter Visitation (revised)

Snow seen through a frost-framed window,
ghostly white forms and shrouds
take shape in swirling air and buried land.
As snow descends from burdened clouds,
I see a Story plain before me…
Let it snow, the Snowman said
to his wife and children of snow.
Our hearts are cold, emotions frozen,
even together, uncaring, alone.
We are as ghosts of haunted castles-
abandoned loneliness of ice and stone.
We haunted ourselves with fears of lack,
as in a past long dead and gone.
Frugal with kindness, we gave so little
to ourselves, and to others- even less…
None mourned our indifferent passing,
our lives were blessings to none
except as sad Wisdom’s warnings-
false deceptions, words as weapons,
our livelihoods, our affluence, as gain
through indifference to others’ pain-
hearts and minds and feelings frozen
in intentional actions clearly chosen-
actions so many others knew too-
their blame and shame pleasure in harm-
weapons planned and calculated
forming many a virulent storm.
We killed and buried Conscience,
Rationality and Compassion.
Peace and Good Will, too, were
buried deep below frozen ground.
We fashioned more and more weapons
smarter, deadlier, colder still,
everywhere all around
in water and sky and ground.
This, our Winter Visitation
is the Future of Generations
unless you turn it around
for all you hold most dear.
This is the Story I read-
a sad Story plain and clear.
Let it snow, the Snowman said
to his wife and children of snow.
Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow.

February 17, 2008
revised December 30, 2021
Shelley Wilson