Woven Portrait of My Daughter

When I Think Of Alissa

Still on the loom and easel, this weaving is an interpretation of how I see my daughter, Alissa. This photo doesn’t show the details well but the impression is there. I place a ‘veil’ of iridescent white tulle over the area where one can ‘see through’ to the other side as she has done like others in our family. The bottom corner has an add-on of wired metal flowers both for her love of flowers and as a floral designer. Full of love and light, she is also developed in abilities of discernment.

Woven Portrait of My Sister

When I Think Of Bev

This Woven Portrait is how I see my sister Bev. She is another version of my Soul expressing Life much differently in this same Timeline. There were actually twelve different versions of our same OverSoul here in this particular Timeline but a few of us have already passed on. Life is far more complex than many people imagine and it’s all simply divine. 😁🙏💖✨

Another Woven Portrait

Woven Portraits series. When I Think Of… Cindy

This is my third Woven Portrait of friends. I’m hoping that the carefully chosen colours, textures and added elements communicate how I see people dear to me. The necklace at the top was made by my daughter using a creative process to display a drawing of a woman Cindy had drawn. It looked like a self-portrait to us. The amber pin was a gift to me by her sister. It seemed perfect for this weaving. After I remove this piece from the easel it’s on, I’ll roll it in kraft paper with a letter and suggestion to tie the top and bottom with either dowels or sticks to hang it up. Then it’s on to the next project for me.



There are intangible things you just know

deep in your heart, your bones, your soul,

whether or not others agree

with those truths you feel and see.

I know I’ve lived, am living, will live,

different Versions of varied lives

through many births and Quantum leaps

in God’s Spacetime, Life’s own Give and Take.

I’m in many Times and Places at once,

exploring Experiences in this Universe,

all amazingly, wondrously diverse.

I know I’ve lived lives of great wealth,

great privilege, abundance, prosperity,

and lives of extreme poverty chosen

or not, lives of sacrifice and austerity.

I’ve lived lives of envied accomplishments,

and lives doing nothing at all,

lives judged bright and others deemed dull.

I’ve lived lives widely celebrated,

and those of outcasts, co-created, sadly fated.

I’ve held the rod and staff of power,

born into great fortune and fame,

and lived without power or name,

enslaved, ridiculed, mocked and shamed.

I’ve lived lives of meek compliance,

and been a rebel in many a cause,

lives of rebellion and defiance

with or without just cause.

I’ve lived lives of firm command

serving rulers in many a land,

fighting and dying for gods and Man.

I’ve lived lives of humble submission,

bearing children, my worth and mission.

I’ve been bold and brave, serious, grave,

shy and wary, timid as a deer,

sly as a fox, slow as a sloth,

flexible as an octopus, melodic as a songbird

singing its heart out to communicate.

I’ve been adaptable and adventurous,

reclusive, determined and tenacious,

competitive, co-operative, focused

as a bee seeking pollen, making honey,

fast and sharp as a hawk without fear.

I’ve lived so many varied lives,

my character’s full of contradictions

that come into play any given day,

enriching my Experience in so many ways.

I’ve had Visions and Revisions

of what I wish and choose To Be,

to do, to understand fully, Free

to explore any Time, any Place,

any Condition, any World, any Race.

January 20, 2022- Shelley Wilson