My Evolving Understanding

My Evolving Understanding

My understanding

is ever evolving

and always willing

to grow and change,

to adapt and rearrange

my thoughts and thinking

in expanding new paradigms.

My understanding

is ever evolving

and always willing

to search within

and beyond myself,

to explore and question

and value with gratitude

all that resonates

while still willing

to explore and question

deeper and higher truths

I wish to comprehend.

All Life is Change,

both fast and slow.

I co-create

as all Life does.

I am aware

and in that flow

of Universal Energies,

ever Moving Energies,

Source Energy Flows

as Everything,

as Universal Consciousness

appearing as Life

in diverse forms.

I’m a humble drop

in the Great Cosmic Ocean,

part of All That Is,

a drop that feels

the Great Cosmic Ocean

flowing as Energy

even through humble me.

I call what I feel

by a simple name,

I call it LovEnergy,


and Unconditional


Life’s Essential Nature-

the Life Force of God’s Love.

In my evolving understanding,

if I was asked,

What is Love?

I’d say that I’m convinced

Love is Remembrance

of Unity,

that Interconnected


we feel and recognize

now and then

or all the time.

In my evolving understanding,

if I was asked,

What created and is creating

this Planet and Life Forms

in and on and above it?

I’d say that I’m convinced

it is God’s Divine Creation,

it is Natural Evolution,

it is Alien Intervention

and Alien Sciences

far beyond what Humans know.

In my evolving understanding,

it is all of the above

and I feel ever more deeply

the true Nature of Life is Love,

the true Light of Life is Love,

Love is the Light in our lives,

Love is the Remembrance of Unity,

the LovEnergy, the Life Force,

the Beautiful, Wondrous Energy

that Flows Free, Free Energy

moving through All Lives

as it does now

in and through mine.

February 28, 2022

Shelley Wilson



The darkness only serves as a space,

as a place, as a state, as a field

for light to shine

throughout the Universe

and in your life and mine.

Everything is Energy moving

throughout the Universe

and in your life and mine.

All Life is Energy

flowing through your life and mine.

Everything has Spiritual Values

appearing mundane or sublime.

Energies that harm or heal

move through us all the time

in this Universe of Free Will.

We turn up or down the Contrast

whether for ‘good’ or ‘ill’,

extracting from it what we will.

Everything has Spiritual Values

appearing mundane or sublime.

Some of us Serve as Portals,

Bridges, Gates, Doors, and Keys,

turning up or down Energies

as they or others please.

Life’s a Flow of Energies

used by Beings, Entities,

layers of physical densities

experienced in space and time

and beyond all of this

into Realms of Peace and Bliss

where Pure Light of Spirit shines.

Some of us Serve as Portals,

Bridges, Gates, Doors, and Keys

for Contrasting Forces,

weak and strong Energies.

We must Question. Is Love Present?

How does this Feel?

Does this Serve Life

in ways that Help and Heal?

Does this bring Joy and Peace?

If not, we can Release

what causes Pain and Suffering,

everything needing Healing,

Turn it all into Light and Love.

We can be Direct Portals

for Energies that Flow to us,

Doors and Keys and Bridges and Gates

for Energies that Flow Through us

Directly back to God’s Heaven,

to the Source of All That Is,

Transformed to Love and Light.

(February 26, 2022- Shelley Wilson

Writing To My Future Self

Sunlight Through Raindrops:

Writing To My Future Self

I am writing to my Future Self-

another time, another place,

another name, another race,

another shape, another face,

another version of Real Me…

Make Love and Compassion

your Constant Companions

in all your Earthly days

with those you’ve ever known

and even those unknown.

You’ll never truly be alone.

You’ll never feel alone.

When Change Appears as Monster Fears

feeding on Calamity, Catastrophe,

Conflict, Confusion, Disaster,

Danger, Destruction and Loss,

no matter what else you do-

remember the Love inside of you,

the Compassion and Love

all around you too.

That Love will see you through-

and you may come to find,

given time, the Blessings in Disguise.

Give Thanks and show your Gratitude.

That Attitude will help you live

in Inner Peace, Resilient Joy and Care

through anything that comes your way.

You will not feel Despair.

Life here is Constant Change.

Embrace it without Fear

of what may or may not Appear.

Accept what you can’t Change

so you can Let Discordance Go

with Past Regrets, with Ifs and Buts,

so you can Grow in the Flow

of how You Now Choose to Change.

You know the purpose of your Soul-

your own Evolving Self- Mastery Aware.

Despite Appearing Circumstance,

you’ll know you’re in control.

You are Spirit and Life’s Beloved Soul.

Remember your Real Me…

February 24, 2022- Shelley Wilson

The Ancient Saying

Sunlight Through Raindrops:

The Ancient Saying

The Ancient Saying is true.

No matter where you go,

what you send out

comes right back to you.

The Innocent are Free

but for those who harm,

there is a Destiny

to know and understand

everything they send

will come back to them-

to know and understand

what they do to others

they also do to them.

Cast your bread upon the waters

and it soon returns to you.

February 22, 2022

Shelley Wilson

You Can Tell

Flowers For Children:

You Can Tell

What makes a Happy Child

or Person in Old Age?

Is it a Heart of Hate?

Is it a Mind of Rage?

Is it a Heart at Peace?

Is it a Mind at Ease?

What makes a Happy Child

or Person in Old Age?

What makes you feel Bad?

What makes you feel Glad?

What makes you feel Ill?

What makes you feel Well?

It’s so easy to tell. You can tell.

Your Heart and Mind will tell.

How does Shouting make you feel?

How does Quiet make you feel?

When you drink Clean or Dirty Water,

how does your Body feel?

When you breathe Clean or Dirty Air,

how does your Body feel?

When Others want to Hurt you,

how does your Body feel?

Your Heart and Mind will tell

when Others mean Ill or Well.

All Animals can tell

and you can tell, you can tell.

February 22, 2022

Shelley Wilson