An Alphabet For Indigo Children

imageX is for the impersonal, universal experience and expression of Oneness with All.
Y is for your personal experience and expression of Oneness with All.
Z is for zero, the mathematical ‘bridge’ of endless Infinity, your Life ‘Center’, the ‘Divine Doorway’ or ‘Access Point’ of Creation as Infinite Love-Energy radiantly radiating in all directions and throughout all dimensions simultaneously.

An Alphabet For Indigo Children

imageU is for understanding that you are in the Universe and the Universe is in you as you are expressing and manifesting Life through you and as you. By unifying your triune nature (body-mind-soul) through remembering your Spirit, your conscious awareness becomes one with Nature’s ‘unified field’ of Universal Conciousness which is Life Itself (God).
V is for the victory of remembering your Spirit, your true loving nature, as one with and part of Universal Consciousness that pervades the visible and invisible Universe as ‘Divine Everlasting Life‘ both in-form and without-form. Heaven (Home) is within you and everywhere.
W is for the wonder and awe that grows in your heart and mind as you humbly ‘awaken to‘ and ‘wed‘ your evolving Understanding to Life’s Divine Wisdom, having united and re-united as One by the Grace of Life’s Unconditional Love. When you, of your ‘own free will‘, choose to open your heart and mind to the experience and expression of God’s ‘Ultimate Reality’ of Oneness even in the physical world, then Life is seen as a ‘wondrously joyful celebration‘. Gratitude becomes the natural response to every precious moment and every aspect of God’s wonder-filled gift of Life.

An Alphabet For Indigo Children

imageT is for the Truth which ‘sets us free‘ from the Superstitions Humanity (and its Angels) created in its earliest evolution’s infancy. The Truth is that God (Life) is trulyAll That Is‘ and ‘All That Is Not‘, The Boundless Great Mystery, ‘The Source‘, ‘The One Essence-Love-Energy‘, ‘The Creator‘, ‘The Creative Process-Life Itself‘, ‘The Creation‘, ‘The Creation Creating‘, or in the same understanding with different expression of ‘The Same Truth‘ being ‘The Whole, the Sum, and the Parts‘. It is the Truth that God (Life) is truly Omni-present meaning ‘All and Everywhere Present Always‘ including ‘either hidden or manifest within us‘ (our Life). It is the Truth that God (Life) is truly Omni-potent meaning ‘All and Everywhere Power(ful) Always‘ and therefore needs nothing from Humanity or Angels (or Extra-Terrestrials) ever. From the time of Humanity’s earliest attempts to understand Life (God), mythologies (stories) were first spoken-then written-then acted upon, having ‘great and terrible‘ consequences of ‘fear and conflict and battle‘, creating ‘characters’ such as ‘The Devil, Lucifer, Satan, etc, etc, etc‘ and ‘places of Fear’s Terror, Condemnation, Judgment, and Tormenting Guilt‘ such as Hades, Gehenna, Hell, etc, etc, etc. The Truth is that Humanity made it all up‘ and continues to make it all up‘ and ‘act it out‘. En-light-ened societies and civilizations don’t do this but rather speak and write and act from hearts-and minds-united by Love of Life (God) through free will choices. This Truth sets us truly free.

An Alphabet For Indigo Children

imageS is for the Sacredness of all Life (including our God-given sexuality as offspring of God), ‘The Quest for Truth and Freedom‘, and the Happiness found in serene-Oneness-awareness having ‘found’ and ‘re-membered’ it all in our Spirit. It is the profound silence and revelations of solved and unsolved Mysteries. It stands for needless sacrifice of Life to rigid religious laws and science without conscience. It stands for the persecutions, assaults, rapes, tortures, and murders of SO many lives, like Jesus and Hypatia, who both silently testify to all of it with and in their sacrificed lives. It stands for heartfelt forgiveness which is ‘Loves Grace, and the releasing of pre-judgment, pre-judice (the betraying of the spiritual truth of oneness and inner/outer ac-know-ledg-ment of it), and the hypocrisy of ‘moral superiorityjudge-mental-ism. This Higher Consciousness heals and transforms a Judgement Day into a new, dawning Day of Unity. It’s Presence (par-ous-ia) changes a New World Order into a New World Unity of Nations truly acting in the Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom of Oneness. As new insights motivate Societies to turn away from our own ‘Species-self-destructiveness’, a New World is born. That World fearlessly blesses Life with ‘prayers of gratitude‘ (faith), and observations of ‘quantum leaps‘ in Humanity’s gradual triune Evolution.

An Alphabet For Indigo Children

imageR is for remembering your Spirit is part of Everlasting Life Itself. Re-mind yourself and others of the power of Universal Love, the Great Truth of Oneness, and the Inter-connecting Unity of all Life. “Fear not” means ‘don’t be afraid‘ of ‘Big Words‘. Don’t let fear over-power you. Just seek to understand them as you evolve. ‘LOVE’ is the Big Wordfor God. ‘LIFE’ is the Big Word for God. Long words aren’t necessarily full of important meanings. Short words, like children and ‘little’ orshort‘ people are also very important people to God’s all-pervading Presence throughout evolving Creation. Re-think everything that does not create a Life of Love and Peace and Joy and Freedom to grow and evolve as you explore your World and your Universe.